
Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ Gifts NDNAEU 3 “Sharing & Generosity”, NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions” Compelling Question What are the unique gifts I bring to the world?  Standards and Practices E.6_12.1 Analyze the concept of scarcity when makingeconomic decisions.E.6_12.2 Compare and contrast how varying economicsystems impact a nation and its citizens.E.6_12.3 Analyze how supply and…

Technology and Native American Culture through Language

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ Technology and Native American Culture through Language NDNAEU 3 “Sharing & Generosity”, NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions”, NDNAEU 7 “Native Identity” Compelling Question How can we use technology to aid in cultural awareness of Native Americans?  Standards and Practices CTE Technology Education Standards:4. EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY- Predict cultural, social, economic, and…

Virtues and Values

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ Virtues and Values NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions”, NDNAEU 7 “Native Identity” Compelling Question What connections can be made between the Native American Virtues and qualities used to describe George Washington as a Revolutionary Leader?  Standards and Practices 7.6.1 Identify principles governing individual and group behavior (e.g., cooperation, collaboration, power, conflict)…

Native American Games

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ Native American Games NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions” Compelling Question What early types of games did Native Americans play? Standards and Practices Health Education Content Standards: Standard 1Grade 61.6.1 Analyze relationship between health behaviors and personal health.1.6.2 Identify examples of mental, emotional, physical, and social health. Staging the Question What games…

Traditional Plants and Diet

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ “Traditional Plants and Diet” NDNAEU 2 “Learning & Storytelling”, NDNAEU 3 “Sharing & Generosity”, NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions” Compelling Question In what ways has knowledge of native plants helped sustain people’s health? Standards and Practices 8.5.7 Prepare various fruits, vegetables, starches, legumes, dairy products, fats, and oils using safe handling…

Know Your Gift

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ “Know Your Gift” NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions”, NDNAEU 7 “Native Identity” Compelling Question How do we identify our gifts? Why is it important? Standards and Practices 6.12.2 Develop a plan to attain a personal health goal.6.12.3 Implement strategies to monitor progress in achieving a personal health goal Staging the Question…

Drug Use and Its Effects on Individuals

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ “Drug Use and Its Effects on Individuals” NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions”, NDNAEU 7 “Native Identity” Compelling Question What do you want to be when you grow up? Standards and Practices 8.12.3 Work cooperatively asan advocate for improvingpersonal, family, andcommunity health. Staging the Question How do your choices affect your short…

Traditional Plants and Diet

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™ “Traditional Plants and Diet” NDNAEU 2 “Learning & Storytelling”, NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions” Compelling Question In what way has the art of traditional plants help sustain the diet of indigenous people? Standards and Practices FACS Standards Found in the ND CTE standards8.5.5 Prepare various meats, seafood, and poultry using safe…