Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
Virtues & Values
NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions”, NDNAEU 7 “Native Identity”
Compelling QuestionWhat connections can be made between the Native American Virtues and qualities used to describe George Washington as a Revolutionary Leader? 
Standards and Practices
US.6_12.1 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.

US.6_12.3  Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.  (Manifest Destiny, Mexican-American War, Texas Independence, Gadsen Purchase, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, gold rush, popular sovereignty)

US.6_12.5 Analyze the significant contributions of people, policy, and the influence on an era.

US.6_12.6 Connect the past to the present using current events.

US.6_12.1-6.E2.3 Explain how westward expansion affected the social, economic, and political landscape of the United States.

US.6_12.1-6.E2.4 Explain the changing Native American federal policy and the impact on tribal sovereignty.

K-5.RU.7 Recognize examples of the impact of technology on society
Staging the QuestionWhat are the virtues of the Native people in North Dakota? What is your interpretation/understanding of each?

What are 7 qualities that describe President George Washington as a Revolutionary leader?
Supporting Question 1 Supporting Question 2 Supporting Question 3 
Describe the similarities and differences between the 7 Virtues? What are the seven descriptions of a quality Revolutionary Leader, pertaining to George Washington? What connections can be made between the virtues and the qualities describing President Washington as a leader during the American Revolution? 
Formative Performance TaskFormative Performance TaskFormative Performance Task
The following is an example for Lakota Virtues. Modify the resources to fit the Indigenous people of your area. Hand out the “Four Values of Lakota” and discuss the first four listed. Hand out a Venn Diagram with titles for “4 Virtues”, “7 Virtues”, and “12 Virtues”. Using the bottom portion of the “Four Values of Lakota”, have students fill out the Venn Diagram. Using the 7 common virtues, assign one to each 7 different groups. Have students present a definition and an example for each.
While students are in seven groups, assign the 7 different qualities outlined in “George Washington Leads the Way” (Mount Vernon Comix) – If you do not have the comix you can use the American Founding website below as a resource. Have each group discuss and, in a way of their choosing, present their assigned quality of a Revolutionary Leader to the class. After each presentation students will need to write a description of the quality presented.
Using their Venn Diagram and notes, students will make an acrostic of their name. Each letter and description needs to reflect a virtue or quality. – Include an image of the virtue/quality that speaks to them the most.
Featured SourcesFeatured SourcesFeatured Sources
The Four values of the Lakota
SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK: Supported Claim (written/spoken) or Demonstration of Process (project-based)Have them debate the value/quality that would be of the most important to the early Indigenous People of North Dakota and George Washington. 
SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK: ExtensionStudents will write a story about a time in their life that encompasses a minimum of 3 of the virtues and/or qualities.
Taking Informed Action / Real World ApplicationAfter studying the battles of the American Revolution, students will revisit the qualities of George Washington as a Revolutionary leader. Conduct a discussion about the quality that best served President Washington.
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