Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
NDNAEU 1 “Sacred Relatives”, NDNAEU 7 “Native Identity”
Compelling QuestionWhy should we respect our elders? 
Standards and PracticesCULTURE 6.6.1 Compare how culture influences relationships, religion, and social institutions in various societies (e.g., different family structures, world religions, rituals, government structures, social policies)
CULTURE 7.6.1 Identify principles governing individual and group behavior (e.g., cooperation,
collaboration, power, conflict) within social dynamics (e.g., familial, political, religious)
Staging the QuestionHow does practicing respect for our elders help us to learn to respect each other as peers? 
Supporting Question 1 Supporting Question 2 Supporting Question 3 
What is causing a loss of respect within our culture? How do we model respect to our peers? How does a strong sense of identity help us to treat others with respect? 
Formative Performance TaskFormative Performance TaskFormative Performance Task
Have students interview an elder about the importance of the value of respect. How does keeping this value in our lives help us in relating to others? Have students gather the information they learn, write it in a reflection and bring it back to class. Have students share in class about what they learned from the elders they interviewed regarding respect. How does what we learned from our elders help us in learning to treat our peers/friends with respect? What does respect look like in our peer relationships? What are some examples? Share the video below as an example of showing respect to one another. Begin by sharing Debbie Poitra’s video below about identity and knowing where we come from. Have students think about the importance of knowing who they are and where they come from when they are relating to others around them. How does this strong sense of identity help in treating others with respect?
Things affect our identity…
1. Loss of language
2. Lack of strong relationships with family
3. Lack of knowledge about ceremonies
Featured SourcesFeatured SourcesFeatured Sources
Family and community elders Family and community elders, public school library
SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK: Supported Claim (written/spoken) or Demonstration of Process (project-based)Have a class discussion about what impacts their ability to treat one another with respect. What is lacking in the students’ lives that causes them to disrespect one another? 
SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK: ExtensionHave students create a summary about what they have learned regarding respect. Have them include learnings from their elder interviews as well as their discussions in class and the videos they watched. 
Taking Informed Action / Real World ApplicationCreate a list of recommendations about how we want to treat each other, highlighting the value of respect. Share with the school and community. 
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