Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
NDNAEU 3 “Sharing & Generosity”, NDNAEU 6 “Native Contributions”
Compelling QuestionWhat unique gifts do I bring to the world? 
Standards and PracticesE.K_2.4 Identify how community helpers impact others.  (How do community helpers like firefighters,soldiers, police officers, business professionals, etc., help our community)

E.K_2.2 Compare and contrast producers and consumers of goods and services.

E.3_5.1 Utilize fundamental principles and concepts of economics to understand economic activity (e.g., needs and wants, goods and services, opportunity cost).

H.3_5.3 Describe the North Dakota Native American Essential Understandings.

Staging the QuestionWhat are things about me that make me unique or special?

How might my special gifts help others?

Why is it important to notice the gifts in others?

Supporting Question 1 Supporting Question 2 
What is special about me?How do others help me know what my gifts are? 
Formative Performance TaskFormative Performance Task
Read the story, “The Rainbow Fish” together in class using either the book or the link below to watch it.Review Formative Task 1: 

Now discuss the importance of the Octopus in the story.

How did he help Rainbow Fish understand his own gift and the importance of sharing it in the world?

Have students identify the person in their own lives who helps them.

Write a thank you card to that person and share it with them.
Featured SourcesFeatured Sources
Staff Developed Lessons “The Rainbow Fish”
The Rainbow Fish read by Ernest Borgnine Star Boy by Paul Goble

SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK: Supported Claim (written/spoken) or Demonstration of Process (project-based)Have a circle discussion about the unique gifts we each bring to the world. Ask students to share what they think would happen if people kept their gifts a secret.
SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK: ExtensionWrite a thank you to individuals in the school who share their gifts to help others. For example: the bus driver, the cooks, the custodians, etc.
Taking Informed Action / Real World ApplicationTake time to write a thank you note in class when individuals have shared a unique gift or talent.